「玉山人工智慧公開挑戰賽」 參賽者使用條款
歡迎您參加「玉山人工智慧公開挑戰賽」,玉山人工智慧公開挑戰賽使用「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」為參賽之平台,一旦您進入「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」即表示您同意參加「玉山人工智慧公開挑戰賽」,並遵守下列條款及細則,與任何不定時提供給您的政策、準則、更新條款及相關比賽規範,包括 但不限於服務政策和法律聲明 (下稱「條款」)如下:
本規範中所稱之「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」,係指由趨勢科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱「趨勢科技」)所提供,用以協助「用戶」進行機器學習Dataset、Script、意見交流與競賽的平台(以下簡稱「本平台」),及達成下列第貳點目的之範圍內,所使用之相關硬體設備、應用軟體及系統等服務。
1. 本規範中所稱之「帳號」,係指用以識別使用本平台服務之標的代碼
1. 本規範之目的,在確保趨勢科技所提供之「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」,得以被「用戶」安全、合理及有效的使用。
2. 「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」,僅提供玉山人工智慧公開挑戰賽使用,「用戶」應保證其使用目的與之一致。
3. 3. 若「用戶」對「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」有玉山人工智慧公開挑戰賽以外之使用需求,包括但不限於商業運用,請另外洽詢趨勢信箱: t_brain@trend.com.tw或玉山信箱:intelligent-finance@esunbank.com.tw,取得相應授權方可進行。
5. 參加競賽之「用戶」在此同意,於「競賽」期間所使用之「帳號」及提供予趨勢科技之電子郵箱等聯絡資訊,除提供趨勢科技基於「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」、競賽需求及人才招募之目的範圍內使用外,亦同意將前述帳號及聯絡資訊提供玉山銀行於「競賽」宗旨及目的範圍內(包括但不限於就業招募等)使用。
1. 為達到安全、合理及有效的使用,「用戶」應配合「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」。如有違反相關管理規範,「用戶」應配合辦理被告知改善事項,如拒絕改善或未完全改善導致趨勢科技、玉山銀行或其他第三人遭受損害,應負損害賠償責任,若有涉及不法,趨勢科技得移請檢調單位處理。
2. 「用戶」由「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」所取得之檔案資料、軟體或應用程式(含原始碼),不論是「用戶」自行上傳檔案資料、自行轉譯應用程式,或是由本平台所提供之套裝軟體,均應受智慧財產權相關法令之限制與保障。非經趨勢科技、玉山銀行或其他第三方同意授權,「用戶」不得自行進行重製、改作、編輯、出租、公開傳輸、散布等行為。如有違反,應負擔一切法律責任。
3. 「用戶」清楚並了解使用「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」時,所取得之檔案資料、軟體或應用程式(含原始碼)相關智慧財產權歸原權利人所有,「用戶」若有前開重製、改作、編輯、散布等需求,應遵循原權利人提出之授權條件。
4. 「用戶」禁止於使用「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」時以任何形式上傳含有病毒或惡意程式,亦不得以其進行任何法律禁止之行為。
1. 趨勢科技所核發之「帳號」,僅限「帳號」申請者本人使用。非經趨勢科技同意,不得將「帳號」提供給申請者以外之人使用。
4. 「用戶」於「帳號」終止使用後,仍應遵守平台服務管理之規範。
1. 「用戶」如違反本使用條款,趨勢科技及玉山銀行得逕行暫停或終止提供該「用戶」使用趨勢科技「T-Brain
「用戶」使用「T-Brain AI實戰吧平台服務」從事違法或非法之行為,須自行負擔相關法律責任。
Mandatory Disclosure Regarding Use of Personal Data by E.SUN Bank 2020.03 (2020.03 Version)
由於個人資料之蒐集,涉及 臺端的隱私權益,本行向 臺端蒐集個人資料時,依據個人資料保護法(以下稱個資法)第八條第一項規定,應明確告知 臺端下列事項:(一)非公務機關名稱(二)蒐集之目的(三)個人資料之類別(四)個人資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式(五)當事人依個資法第三條規定得行使之權利及方式(六)當事人得自由選擇提供個人資料時,不提供將對其權益之影響。
Mandatory disclosure regarding use of personal data by E.SUN Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. ("Bank"): Due to the fact that gathering personal information involves risking your privacy, the Bank is bound by Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) to inform you of the following: (1) Name of the non-government institution that will be collecting your information; (2) Purposes for collecting information; (3) Types of personal information collected; (4) The time, place, subject, and method of which personal information is used; (5) Information owner's rights vested under Article 3 of PDPA; and (6) Impacts to information owner's interests when opting not to provide personal information.
一、 蒐集之目的:Purpose of collection:
(一) 共通特定目的:
040行銷(包含金控共同行銷或合作推廣業務)、059金融服務業依法令規定及金融監理需要,所為之蒐集處理及利用(包括但不限於執行洗錢防制作業及配合全球打擊恐怖份子調查等目的)、060金融爭議處理、061金融監督、管理與檢查、063非公務機關依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用、069契約、類似契約或其他法律關係管理之事務、090消費者、客戶管理與服務、091消費者保護、098商業與技術資訊、104帳務管理及債權交易業務、129會計與相關服務、135資(通)訊服務、136資(通)訊與資料庫管理、137資通安全與管理、148網路購物及其他電子商務服務、152 廣告或商業行為管理、157調查、統計與研究分析、177其他金融管理業務、182其他諮詢與顧問服務。
Common purposes:
040 Marketing (includes cross-selling and joint marketing in a financial group); 059 Information gathering, processing and uses required by law on financial service providers for supervisory purpose (including but not limited to implementing anti-money laundering operations and facilitating global counter terrorism investigations); 060 Resolution of financial disputes; 061 Financial supervision, governance and inspection; 063 Information gathering, processing and uses required by law on non-government institutions; 069 Management of contracts, contract-like arrangements or legal relations; 090 Consumer/Customer management and service; 091 Consumer protection; 098 Commercial and technical information; 104 Account management and debt transactions; 129 Accounting and related services; 135 Information/Communication services; 136 Information, communication and database management; 137 Information/Communication security and management; 148 Online shopping and other e-commerce services; 152 Advertisement or commercial behavior administration ;157 Survey, statistics and analysis; 177 Other financial management; 182 Other consultancy services.
(二) 業務特定目的:Service specific purposes:
022 Foreign currencies; 036 Deposits and remittance; 067 Credit card, cash card, debit card and stored value card; 082 Combined management of loan and deposit accounts; 104 Account management and debt transactions; 106 Credit; 111 Notes; 112 Check clearance; 160 Certificate management; 181 Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association.
022 Foreign currencies; 067 Credit card, cash card, debit card and stored value card; 082 Combined management of loan and deposit accounts; 088 Loan approval and disbursement; 106 Credit (including post-lending management); 111 Notes; 126 Debt discount and purchase business; 154 Credit assessment; 181 Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association.
Credit cards:
001 Life and health insurance; 022 Foreign currencies; 067 Credit card (including supplementary features), cash card, debit card and stored value card; 082 Combined management of loan and deposit accounts; 088 Loan approval and disbursement; 093 Property insurance; 106 Credit; 127 Fundraising (including fundraising for charities); 154 Credit assessment; 160 Certificate management; 181 Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association.
Foreign exchange:
022 Foreign currencies; 036 Deposit and remittance; 082 Combined management of loan and deposit accounts; 088 Loan approval and disbursement; 106 Credit; 154 Credit assessment; 181 Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association.
Wealth Management Services:
001 Life and health insurance; 022 Foreign currencies; 036 Deposits and remittance; 044 Investment management; 065 Insurance brokerage, agency, and notarization; 068 Trust; 082 Combined management of loan and deposit accounts; 093 Property Insurance; 094 Property Management; 166 Securities, futures, securities investment trust and consulting services; 181 Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association.
022 Foreign currencies; 036 Deposits and remittance; 044 Investment management; 068 Trust; 082 Combined management of loan and deposit accounts; 094 Property management; 111 Notes; 166 Securities, futures, securities investment trust and consulting services; 181 Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association.
Electronic payment service providers:
022 Foreign currencies; 036 Deposits and remittance; 044 Investment management; 067 Credit card, cash card, debit card and stored value card; 068 Trust; 082 Combined management of loan and deposit accounts; 088 Loan approval and disbursement; 094 Property management; 106 Credit; 112 Check clearance 166 Securities, futures, securities investment trust and consulting services; 181 Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association.
Other registered services or services specified in the Memorandum of Association or approved by the authority (e.g. safety deposit box, Gold Investment, electronic banking, automatic payment, joint marketing and promotion...)
二、 個人資料之類別:Types of personal information:
姓名、身分證統一編號、性別、出生年月日、通訊方式、訪問本網站或行動應用程式(APP)或社群媒體之特定標準資訊(例如:IP位址、Cookie ID 與其內容、唯一識別碼、網域名稱、裝置資訊、使用時間、瀏覽器類型、語言設定、地理位置、作業系統、伺服器紀錄、網頁搜尋/瀏覽/點選紀錄及使用模式與資訊或經合作廠商以其名義取得前開資料分析歸納而成標籤等類似資料)及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。
Name, national ID number, gender, date of birth, contact information, information about specific standard information for accessing the website, app, or social media (for example: IP address, cookie ID and cookie contents, unique identification codes, domain names, device information, usage time, browser type, language settings, geographic location, operating system, server record, webpage search/browse/click record, modes of use, and information or labels and other similar data obtained by partner companies in their own name by analyzing and collating the above-mentioned data), and information such as the contents of relevant business applications or contracts. The information from the relevant business, account or service relationship between the Bank and customers or between the customer and a third party (such as the Joint Credit Information Center) shall be deemed the most accurate version of the information.
三、 個人資料利用之期間:Time of use of personal information:
(一) 特定目的存續期間。
For the entire duration needed to serve the underlying purposes.
(二) 依相關法令所定(例如商業會計法等)或因執行業務所必須之保存期間或依個別契約就資料之保存所定之保存年限。(以期限最長者為準)。
For the entire duration required by law (such as the Business Entity Accounting Act), or specified in contracts, or as deemed necessary to perform service activities.(whichever is longer)
四、 個人資料利用之對象、地區及方式:Subject, place, and method of use of personal information:
(一) 對象:
The Bank (including other institutions commissioned to perform services); institutions that are permitted by law to make use of such information (e.g. the Bank's parent company, financial holding company or any affiliated subsidiaries); other institutions that perform relevant services (e.g. correspondence banks, Joint Credit Information Center, National Credit Card Center, Taiwan Clearing House, Financial Information Service Co., Ltd., credit guarantors, credit card organizations, acquirers and merchants), competent authority according to law or financial supervision authority, recipients agreed by customers (such as: the Bank's joint marketing partners, shared users of customers' information and promotional partners of the Bank), social media or software service providers used by the Bank (for example: Facebook, LINE, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, etc.)
(二) 地區:
Any place, local or foreign, where any of the above subjects are located.
(三) 方式:
Information is to be used in both automated and non-automated means that comply with the Personal Data Protection Act.
五、 個人資料當事人得行使之權利及方式:Information owner's rights and ways to exercise them:
Pursuant to Article 3 of PDPA, you may exercise the following rights over your own information held by the Bank:
(一) 除有個資法第十條所規定之例外情形外,得向本行查詢、請求閱覽或請求製給複製本,惟本行依個資法第十四條規定得酌收必要成本費用。
Except for the circumstances described in Article 10 of PDPA, the right to inquire, review or obtain duplicate copies of information held, for which the Bank is permitted under Article 14 of PDPA to collect a small fee to cover its costs.
(二) 得向本行請求補充或更正,惟依個資法施行細則第十九條規定,臺端應適當釋明其原因及事實。
The right to supplement or rectify personal information held by the Bank. However, Article 19 of the Implementation Rules of the Personal Data Protection Act requires you to state reasons and facts.
(三) 本行如有違反個資法規定蒐集、處理或利用臺端的個人資料,依個資法第十一條第四項規定,臺端得向本行請求停止蒐集。
The right to stop the Bank from collecting personal information according to Article 11, Paragraph 4 of PDPA in the event that the Bank is found to have violated PDPA while collecting, processing or using your personal information.
(四) 依個資法第十一條第二項規定,個人資料正確性有爭議者,得向本行請求停止處理、利用或限制處理臺端的個人資料。惟依該項但書規定,本行因執行業務所必須並註明其爭議或經臺端書面同意者,不在此限。
The right to stop the Bank from processing, using, or limited processing of your personal information according to Article 11, Paragraph 2 of PDPA, should you have doubts toward the correctness of information held by the Bank. This excludes situations where you have consented in writing or situations where the Bank is required to continue its use of the information as part of its business activities, provided that the area of dispute has been remarked clearly.
(五) 依個資法第十一條第三項規定,個人資料蒐集之特定目的消失或期限屆滿時,得向本行請求刪除、停止處理、利用或限制處理臺端的個人資料。惟依該項但書規定,本行因執行業務所必須或經臺端書面同意者,不在此限。
The right to stop the Bank from processing, using, or limited processing of your personal information, and to have personal information deleted from the Bank's database according to Article 11, Paragraph 3 of PDPA, when the purpose for which information was collected no longer exists or when the duration expires. This excludes situations where you have consented in writing or situations where the Bank is required to continue its use of the information as part of its business activities.
(六) 得向本行請求限制自動決策臺端的個人資料或查詢自動決策所涉之邏輯及可能產生的重大後果。(限歐盟境內之資料主體適用)
The right to have the Bank restrict the automatic decision making of your personal information or inquire the logic involved in automatic decision making and the potential major consequences.(applies only to data subjects within the EU)
(七) 得向本行請求攜出或移轉臺端的個人資料。(限歐盟境內之資料主體適用)
The right to have the Bank take out or transfer your personal information. (applies only to data subjects within the EU)
(八) 得向本行請求停止行銷臺端的個人資料。
The right to stop the Bank from marketing your personal information.
(九) 得向本行請求撤回本個資聲明之同意。(限歐盟境內之資料主體適用)
The right to have the Bank withdraw your consent to the personal information declaration. (applies only to data subjects within the EU)
(十) 得向主管機關反應個人資料爭議事項。
The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe your data protection rights have been infringed by the Bank.
六、 其他:Other:
(一) 臺端如欲行使上述個資法第三條及英國標準協會制訂PIMS(Personal Information Management System)所規定之各項權利,有關如何行使之方式或申訴程序,得向本行客服(0800-30-1313、02-21821313)詢問或於營業時間洽詢各營業單位。
If you wish to exercise the abovementioned rights vested by Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act and the Personal Information Management System (PIMS) adopted by the British Standards Institution (BSI) or inquire on ways you may exercise these rights or the filing procedures, please call customer service (0800-30-1313, 02-21821313) or inquire business units during business hours.
(二) 臺端得自由選擇是否提供相關個人資料及類別,惟臺端所拒絕提供之個人資料及類別,如果是辦理業務審核或作業所需之資料,本行可能無法進行必要之業務審核或作業而無法提供 臺端相關服務或無法提供較佳之服務,敬請見諒。
You are free to choose whether to provide personal information and the types of information to provide to the Bank. However, if you refuse to provide information that is necessary for due diligence or operational purposes, the Bank may not be able to offer better services or at all. We seek your understanding in this matter.